مسیر متابولیک
Table 7.1 sum- marises the metabolic pathways and the groups of volatile compounds that are formed from the respective non-volatile metabolites.
Besides the plant's genetic composition with respect to non-volatile precursor compounds, each metabolic pathway is linked to other metabolic pathways.
Volatile products may be a result of a direct metabolic pathway or a result of an interaction of one or more pathways (Reineccius, 2006).
Metabolic pathway Non-volatile metabolites Main volatile metabolites Fatty acid metabolism Lipids Aliphatic acids Aliphatic alcohols Aliphatic esters Aliphatic carbonyls Lactones
They are basically formed via two metabolic pathways: (i) �-oxidation and (ii) the LOX pathway. �-Oxidation is generally considered to be the main metabolic pathway for the formation of primary flavour compounds in the intact fruit, whereas the LOX pathway occurs pref- erentially in the damaged fruit, upon cell disruption and the introduction of oxygen into the system.
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